The Purchased and Referred Care Program pays for pharmacy, medical, dental, and optometry care provided outside and I.H.S. or Tribal Health Care facility.

PRC covers only services that fall with the following medical priorities:
1. Emergent, acutely urgent care
2. Preventive Care
3. Primary and Secondary care (as of January 1, 2021!)

PRC coverage is dependent upon eligibility and funding. Please contact the PRC Administrator to discuss eligibility requirements.

Please note: PRC is not an entitlement program and an I.H.S. referral does not imply the care will be paid. For more information contact the PRC administrator for policies and procedures.

Prior Authorization for all services is required for payment. Please be sure to call before services are rendered to see if the services are covered and to obtain prior authorization.

Emergency services must be reported to the PRC Program with 72 hours. Tribal Elders have 30 days to report emergency services.

Beth Aucoin

PRC Administrator

Jody Clark

PRC Assistant

After Hours

PRC After hours phone: (207)694-1872